The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
What were you doing 5 years ago?
Tahun 2004 ye? Masa tgh study lg kt UiTM..semester akhir. Dah kawin dah pun, baru lepas miscarriage akhir thn 2003 tu.
What were you doing 5 years ago?
Tahun 2004 ye? Masa tgh study lg kt UiTM..semester akhir. Dah kawin dah pun, baru lepas miscarriage akhir thn 2003 tu.
What were the 5 things on your list today?
Hari ni..
1. Masak bubur nasi Amjad
2. Basuh baju, jemur kain
3. Lipat kain, kemas rumah
4. Basuh bilik air
3. Lipat kain, kemas rumah
4. Basuh bilik air
5. Masak
Hihi..semua kerja surirumah la tu.
What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
Makanan ringan ni suka..
1. kerepek..*apa2 kepekla*
2. kek coklat
3. agar-agar
4. roti goreng
Hihi..semua kerja surirumah la tu.
What are 5 snacks that you enjoy?
Makanan ringan ni suka..
1. kerepek..*apa2 kepekla*
2. kek coklat
3. agar-agar
4. roti goreng
5. biskut tiger yg ada cream tu
What are 5 jobs you've had?
Ada 5 ke? Sat pikir jap...................
1. Praktikal kat dapur hotel-kira keje gak la tu. Ponet keje tu..takmoh dah.
2.Cikgu kt sekolah agama rakyat..*ahaks*-lepas abis degree.
3. Cikgu lagi kat sekolah swasta di Subang Jaya.
4. Surirumah..hahaha.
5. takde dah..xtau la kalau sethn dua lg.
5 people you want to tag
5 org ye, hmmm..
Kawan-kawan yg tersenarai kt bawah tolong jawab ye :-
Kak Inahar
Cik Anie
Ada 5 ke? Sat pikir jap...................
1. Praktikal kat dapur hotel-kira keje gak la tu. Ponet keje tu..takmoh dah.
2.Cikgu kt sekolah agama rakyat..*ahaks*-lepas abis degree.
3. Cikgu lagi kat sekolah swasta di Subang Jaya.
4. Surirumah..hahaha.
5. takde dah..xtau la kalau sethn dua lg.
5 people you want to tag
5 org ye, hmmm..
Kawan-kawan yg tersenarai kt bawah tolong jawab ye :-