Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sewing For Beginner Ebook

I've had pretty hectic day. Last night I slept at 1 a.m and wake up in the morning to continue sewing on small pouches. I got back pain and it made me feel really tired.

But I still need to open my blog and find something new for my craft.  Then, I've  found something for new beginner in sewing. It is sewing e-book which you can learn to sew with sewing patterns. Maybe it will be useful for  some of my friends who like to sew but not have any experience. What a good news is it all FREE ^^!! You can download here or just go to to get more free craft projects and decorating ideas.

This e-book included  how to make pin cushions, pillows, bags, clothing and home decor.  You also can download by click on the link below:

Download the SEWING FOR BEGINNERS eBook for free [pdf]

Happy crafting and sewing ^^!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Make Over 2 in 1 Lampshade

A year my sewing don't have any clock. Selalu jahit sampai lupa pukul berapa..haha. One day, I have an idea. Actually, this clock already lost it hands because Amjad was pulled it out. But I'm still kept it at the store because I know it still can work. I love this 2 in 1 lampshade because it is a gift from my best friend on my wedding day. 7 years old already but still can work.

So, what I do?? Jeng jeng jeng..below was a broken alarm clock. I take its hands out and put on my 2 in 1 lampshade..hehe. See above picture, my clock already have its hands ^^.

So now, I make over the lampshade  to get fresh look. What I did was I'm covered it with pink rose cotton and I used glue gun to stick the lace. Very simple right? :P

Here it is...taraaaaa!! Now my sewing room have a clock and romantic lampshade. So I know when I should stop sewing..hehe ^^.

Thank you everyone ^^!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

I should decide this..


I was thinking....

Thinking that I should stop taking any custom order from now onwards.  Maybe just open for a few items only ~ I will decide about this later. But, confirm.. I don't want to take any custom order anymore.

The reasons why I'm stopped taking custom order because:

I need to release my stress on rushing doing all the custom orders.

I want to focus on ready made items.

I want to make something that come from my passions, my heart and my creativity not  just because I SHOULD do that.

Now, I'm looking forward for business which much more capable to increase my family income. Insya'Allah, moga Allah permudahkan segala urusan..Amin.

Terribly sorry about that. I'll finish up all remaining custom orders and hope all will be done by the end of this year or on January next year.

Any ready made items will be place at LILSTORE. Hope, you all willing to visit my humble lilstore ^^ and log yourself in which allows you to shop faster, track the status of your current orders and review your previous orders at Lilstore.

Please take you time to subscribe your email to Sweetlilcraft Collections, so you will automatically update about my crafts and new items. Thank you!! ^^

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Label Giveaway By Izue


Want label for your product? Want it for free? Why not just try your luck at Zubaidah's blog and follow her terms and conditions :

Syarat-syarat simple je:

  1. Design untuk label (kata nak menang, nak suruh i print apa kalau takde design kan, hehe). Tak kisah pun rupa apa, tulisan sahaja pun dah oke, asal korang gembira. Syarat-syarat untuk design label, seperti di bawah yerr:

    • size: 2" x 0.5"

    • background colour: white @ soft colour

    • maximum 3 line (toksahlah buat karangan kat label tu yerr. =P)

  2. Buat la entri sikit kat blog korang, takyah nak puji, membebel apa pun, just tepek *paste* design korang untuk tatapan umum dengan link ke giveaway nih. =)

  3. Akhir sekali, tulis komen kat bawah dan bagi link korang jugak.

  4. Dah selesai..simple kan? part design jela leceh sikit kot...sorryyyy.

Ops..this is my label ^^

This giveaway will be closed on 25th Oct 2010.

Good luck everyone!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Simple Tote Bag


2 days ago my husband and my son, Amjad went to see his grandfather. I just stay at home and manage to sew some order. After sewn 20 small pouches for Muni, I decided to sew a tote bag to my cousin's friend. She just want a simple tote bag. So, it not take a long time to sew it.

Here is simple tote bag ^^. I use wooden button as closure

I'm tried other method to make it base. This is my first try. It very easy, don't have to sew and cut it as usual.

At last, the interior. I put 3 pockets inside, so she can put pen, hand phone and wallet ^^

Thanks and see you again ^^!!

Cotton Fabrics at Lilstore

My cousin was come back from Alexandria a month ago, before she come back here I ask her to buy some cotton fabrics. I got almost 11 lovely designs of cotton fabric in very reasonable price. They all 100% cotton fabric from Egypt.

But I thought I want to let go some fabrics. So here are 5 lovely designs cotton fabrics. They are suitable for all kind of handmade; dress, baby wears, pajamas, baby blanket and etc.  Please take a look and grab it quickly if you love it because it very limited quantity ^^. Please come and see at my Lilstore.

I also added non-woven interlining for sale. This is the material I used as interfacing in my bag making. It used to reshape and stabilize the bag. Beside that, it also can be used for tailoring needs and basic apparel. Please come and see at my LILSTORE for more detail ^^.

Thank you so much for your visit. Please come again ^^

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Tutorials

Hari ini masih kurang sihat. Kepala berdenyut2, hidung tersumbat, telinga pun tersumbat sama sebab terlalu kuat menghembus.... :is:

Nak menjahit pun berat kepala, jap lagilah nak potong kain dan sambung jahit.

Sementara tu, saya nak update toturial. Kat bawah ni sebahagian tutorial yang telah dimasukkan kat tutorial page.

Saya suka Strawberry Bag tu, insyaallah, kalau ada masa saya nak cuba buat  beg tu dan jadikan give away :love:  Sapa nak? Sapa nak ? Angkat tangan :wink:  Hehe..tungguuu!!

Oklah, kalau berminat nak tahu cara menjahit bag, purse dan lain-lain, boleh klik kat

< sini >

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